SGU 1.16 "Sabotage" Episode Guide

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An expert in hyper drives, who has a past with Dr. Rush, arrives on the Destiny via the communication stones when it seems the ship will run out of power before it reaches its next destination, which would leave the crew adrift.

Guide | Transcript

MGM/ Official Summary

Official summary is not available as this episode has not yet aired in the United States.

Spoiler Summary


Spoilers from Spoiler TV: [ELEANOR PERRY] (35-40) and quite attractive. A brilliant scientist who happens to be a quadriplegic. Affected since childhood, her disability has rendered her body physically useless. However, after being brought on board the Destiny as the only person who may be able to save the ship and her crew from certain annihilation, she is given temporary powers that enable her to walk again and to finally experience intimacy.sptv050769..Strong guest lead. NAMES PREFERRED. ACTRESS MUST BE PHYSICALLY THIN. (THINK CALISTA FLOCKHART).

Spoilers from Audition Sides:

There are twelve FTL (Faster Than Light) drive modules on the Destiny and one has exploded due to an overload. Scientist Eleanor Perry, Nicholas Rush, and Eli Wallace propose that this is a good thing since the assumption is that the weakest engine failed and is not left to drag the others down. But, they're still going to have to repair the damage and bypass the drive's controls, so they prepare a robot to ensure that the ship can make it across the void between galaxies. They propose that either Col. Young or Lt. Scott carry the robot in the Ancient Shuttle to the damaged area. In the meantime, Young prepares to send a team to a planet to gather more food and water.

Perry has been a quadriplegic since she was nine and has missed out on a lot of firsts: her first drink and her first kiss, as examples. She's impressed with the man who solved the "Dakara Puzzle" (a puzzle on a video game that led to Eli Wallace's indoctrination into the Stargate Program). Additionally, Eli and Perry share a common interest in gaming, with Warcraft in particular. She wasn't originally on the Destiny when the team evacuated Icarus Base, but is on the ship through the use of the Ancient Long-Range Communications Devices by swapping bodies with Camile Wray. Having found the freedom to move without assistance, Perry finds that she desires a higher level of physical intimacy than she normally has. She feels beautiful and admires Wray's body. She kisses Eli and implies she'd like to take it further, but Eli refuses because, well, it's Wray's body and he doesn't think that it would be right, even though he thinks that Wray is very attractive. Perry accepts his rejection, but turns her attentions to Rush, who doesn't seem to mind the whole idea of sexual intimacy with her, even if she is in Wray's body. They've had a lot to drink and whether or not they take their passionate kissing to the next level remains to be seen.

Additional storylines: Wray and Sharon reunite. Perry also had a body swap with Lt. Vanessa James. Chloe and James try to determine the cause of the explosion: could one of their own have sabotaged it?


Recently, a casting breakdown was released to agents for a upcoming character in our television show, Stargate Universe. The character, Doctor Eleanor Perry, is a brilliant scientist at the top of her field, who also happens to be a quadriplegic. As part of a science fiction conceit that is core to our series, Perry's consciousness is temporarily exchanged with one our series main characters, Camile Wray, who is a lesbian. In the course of the story, Perry has the experience of being able bodied for the first time since she was a child. At the same time, Wray, temporarily encumbered by Perry's physical disability, experiences the unconditional love of her life partner. The language of the breakdown was insensitive and inaccurate, and we sincerely apologize to those who may have been offended. The audition pages that have been under scrutiny were from an early draft and released out of context. It is our desire and intention to portray both characters with dignity and respect, while remaining mindful of the ethical issues we're raising.

Brad Wright and Robert Cooper


Today, I’d like to address the online controversy surrounding SGU’s late season episode Sabotage and, specifically, the concern stemming from the released character breakdown and casting sides as they relate to the character of Eleanor Perry.

Let me begin by saying that it’s understandable why so many people are upset. That said, I can assure you that the material being cited does a poor job of reflecting the character or story developments as they will appear in the episode – as will become readily apparent once Sabotage finally airs.

First, there’s the issue of the character breakdown. Now, last year, we tried to address the problem of these breakdowns finding their way out into public forums. The main issue for us arose from the fact that these externally generated summaries were occasionally inaccurate or implied elements that weren’t actually in the script. An example that comes to mind is the online reaction to the all-female team in Atlantis season 4’s Whispers. When those character breakdowns were released, unfairly or not, the general consensus was that we were looking to cast some stereotypical damsels in distress, hapless and hysterical victims for our dashing heroes to save. After the episode finally aired, while fans may have had issues with other aspects of the episode (which, being fans, they often will), the initial concerns stirred by those character breakdowns turned out to be a non-issue. We took steps to avoid the same thing happening again by generating the character breakdowns internally. In theory, it was a great idea since it would allow us to sign off on them in case they did end up getting out there. In practice however…Well, I’m not sure what happened but suffice it to say we dropped the ball. And the result? I think you’d be hard-pressed to find a better example of a worst case scenario. Still, if nothing else, this incident has served as a wake up call. I can guarantee you that, in the future, any and all material will be vetted before leaving our offices.

Second, as Brad and Robert already pointed out in their response, this was an early draft of the script. Negative reactions to some of the cited in-story developments are not at all surprising given that, quite frankly, it happens all the time internally. But how, you may ask, can it be an early draft of the script if it says Final Draft? Well, simply put, just because it says Final don’t mean it’s Final. I direct you to a March of 2008 blog entry I wrote titled, appropriately enough “ THE ULTIMATE EXTREME EXTRA SUPERFANTASTIC BEST LUCKY ULTRA NUMBER ONE FINAL FINAL DRAFT” ( I hadn’t even read a draft and provided notes until the beginning of this week. Other players, from the director to the various departments to the network had still to weigh in with their thoughts. From the day it is released to the final shooting version, the script will go through many changes as evidenced by all those lovely multi-colored pages. Again I can assure you that, like the character breakdowns, the audition sides do not accurately reflect the finished script.

Third, I can also assure you that the character of Eleanor Perry will not be portrayed as some sex-starved individual looking to bed down anyone in sight. She’s been in a wheelchair most of her life, not in a hermetically-sealed isolation chamber, so it would stand to reason that her disability would not preclude intimacy. Furthermore, the characters of Eleanor Perry and Nicholas Rush have a pre-established friendship and professional relationship that leads Rush to recommend her for the task of addressing a ship-related issue. This past association, built on understanding and mutual respect, is the seed for any potential affection in this story, not biological drive or missed opportunity.

Fourth, and finally, I’d like to address the issue concerning the character of Camile Wray, the franchise’s first openly gay character. Months ago, while we were gearing up for the start of production, I put forth Wray as one of my favorites. She’s a fish out of water, an administrator on board a space ship, a civilian amongst scientists and military personnel, stalwart, smart, opinionated, but at her core a caring and surprisingly vulnerable individual. One of the season’s highlights so far has been the episode Life in which Wray gets to return to Earth (via the body swap conceit of the communication stones) and be reunited with her wife, Sharon. The scenes are beautifully written and beautifully directed, but it’s the performances of both Ming Na and Reiko Aylesworth that really strike a cord. Their stable, grounded relationship is as much in contrast to the show’s other dysfunctional relationships as it is to Wray’s austere, lonely existence on the ship – making her eventual return that much more poignant. All this to say that we’ve worked hard to present a compelling, believable, multi-layered character – a major player in the shipboard dynamics and intrigue – and we are not about to do anything that will undermine or disrespect her. I’d love to say more, but at the risk of giving away any spoilers…

Yes, we’re aware of the issues and extremely sensitive to all of your concerns. Suffice it to say that once Sabotage has aired, many of those eyeing this episode with certain trepidation will no doubt breathe a sigh of relief – and, here’s hoping, also enjoy the show as well.


Enviropony writes: “Yes, and it contained the *exact* same line that upset so many of us in the first place: “…happens to be quadriplegic.”


Arctic Goddess writes: “One personal comment, however. When writing the way that a person with a disability is described, remember that the person with a disability is a person first. “

Answer: Which is, I believe, why the statement was worded the way it was. It was intended to make this very point.

Phil writes: “As someone behind the scenes, do you feel that TV shows (not specifically Stargate, but as a whole) are doing a good enough job with focussing on other aspects of sexuality and how race/gender play a part in this?”

Answer: I think that, in general, more can be done to reflect society’s diverse make-up. I also think we have to be mindful that, in so doing, the goal should be to create real characters – and by real, I mean realistic rather than idealized. Being real, they’ll be flawed, make mistakes, occasionally do bad things, and occasionally have bad things happen to them. In the case of the latter, look no further than the recent uproar surrounding Torchwood, one of the most progressive shows in this respect. A lot of the accusations leveled against the show’s creative seems downright baffling given their impressive track record on these very issues.

Cyn writes: “Deny it all you want, but when a woman’s body is used for intercourse without her consent it is rape. There is no ambiguity.”

Answer: Given that you are posting your opinions on my site, I’d appreciate it if you’d do me the courtesy of at least reading what I’ve had to say on the subject before putting words in my mouth or making assumptions about my attitude. I’ve already addressed this scenario and my opinion is, in fact, the opposite of the one you’ve bestowed upon me.

Cyn also writes: “You can defend all of this to your heart’s content. You can laugh it off and say I’m being overdramatic…”

Answer: I have neither laughed off the criticism nor have I derided the critics. I have no idea who you’re responding to here but it’s certainly not me.

AnneTeldy writes: “Have I missed something? Where in the sides, the apology, or Mr. M’s blog entry/comments does it say Rush actually has sex with Perry/Camile? Everyone seems to be assuming he will.”

Answer: True.

Pol writes: “I’m very familiar with how the sides don’t often come close to the final script, but as a woman writer (and a lesbian at that) I can see how the tone of those sides can look to the rest of the world – and how they – at first blush – didn’t even raise an eyebrow with your mostly all-male team when they were released.”

Answer: We were on hiatus for almost the entire month of July. Many of us didn’t read Sabotage or provide notes until the beginning of last week. I can assure you, there was some very spirited debate about this script and the issues raised.

Dovil writes: “If you look at the forums on Gateworld, your viewers, you’ll see that attitude alive and well. But it has been very enlightening having a group of mainly men telling a group of mainly women the definition of what rape is and isn’t, how there are shades of rape (tell that to the victim), how we’re over-reacting, and that rape should legitmately be served up as entertainment for a show that aims itself at a male audience.”

Answer: Actually, we have viewers on both sides of the issue. As for the group of mainly men telling the group of mainly women – who exactly are you referring to? Because, again, I can assure you that there are men on both sides of this issue.


Guest Stars


  • Written by Freelance Writer, Barbara ??
  • Directed by Peter DeLuise

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Production Notes

  • "Today, we set aside an hour to talk stories – specifically, the back half of SGU’s first season. Okay, okay. I think that, this time, I’ve got it right. ... #16 is another freelancer script and, after much discussion, we’ve finally hammered out a structure for the story." — Joseph Mallozzi (June 3, 2009)
  • "Brad received Barbara’s draft of Sabotage, Episode #16, over the hiatus and says she did a very good job." — Joseph Mallozzi (July 29, 2009)
  • "I poked my head into Brad’s office today to give him the heads-up. He’s doing the pass on Sabotage but has planned to write Episode #17." — Joseph Mallozzi (July 30, 2009)
  • "Meanwhile, I anxiously await Brad’s pass on Sabotage as that preps next week with the lovable Peter DeLuise at the directing helm." — Joseph Mallozzi (August 6, 2009)
  • "Just read "Sabotage." Wow. SGU is really challenging my acting chops! I LOVE our writers! Can't wait 2 work on this episode!" — Ming-Na, Twitter (August 9, 2009)
  • "Sitting in with us on the screening was the fab director himself, Peter DeLuise, who was in the office today prepping his next episode, Sabotage." — Joseph Mallozzi (August 12, 2009)
  • "Sabatoge will be fun!" — Patrick Gilmore, Twitter (August 12, 2009)
  • "Brad has been prepping Sabotage..." — Joseph Mallozzi (August 13, 2009)
  • "We’re using the Ancient communication devices used in the Stargate episode ‘Avalon’ where Daniel Jackson and Vala go to the Ori galaxy. Basically we’ve rigged those using Earth technology to work for us as a communication device. Someone has the foresight to bring them on board Destiny. So in a limited way, we are able to take over the body of someone on Earth, essentially swap consciousness with that person so they end up on Destiny for some time while the other is back on Earth. Our characters can talk to loved ones or friends, or it might help with missions on Destiny or Earth." — Robert Cooper, SFX Magazine interview, issue 186, published by Sci Fi Pulse (August 13, 2009)
  • "Thanks to those of you who sent me a note about the casting call for the Stargate Universe episode Sabotage. Please see my next two tweets: We're very sensitive to the issues raised by the description of the character Eleanor Perry. We're working with the Stargate producers to address this & ensure that this character is handled sympathetically and responsibly." — Craig Engler, Syfy Twitter (August 14, 2009)
  • Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper issue statement regarding controversy over Eleanor Perry's casting breakdown, GW Forum (August 14, 2009)
  • Joseph Mallozzi addresses breakdown and audition sides controversy in his weblog (August 15, 17, 18, 2009)
  • Major D. Davis writes: "Which episode are you currently shooting? I remember Pain was in prep almost directly after Human finished shooting, so is Lost or Sabotage waiting to film after Pain is shot, or is my math and logic all off and you are shooting both Lost and Sabotage before Pain?" Answer: "We wrapped Sabotage yesterday and have moved on to Pain." — Joseph Mallozzi (August 28, 2009)
  • Iamza also writes: "When you say Sabotage has just wrapped, was that the script, or the actual episode shoot? Because if the latter, wow! Things move fast!" Answer: "Things DO move fast. We wrapped the episode and Pain started shooting on Friday." — Joseph Mallozzi (August 30, 2009)
  • Tom also writes: “Finally, IF the first half of Season One has all been in a single galaxy, then there logically has to be journey from one galaxy to the next. I would be curious to see if there are plans for an episode or two to be featured while Destiny is in the ‘void’ between two galaxys, where presumably there is no place to gate to.” Answer: "Check out Sabotage, coming up in the second half of season one." — Joseph Mallozzi (January 1, 2010)
  • "As several of you pointed out, the show is called “Stargate: Universe” so you want to see us make use of the gate. Well, some interesting gate use upcoming in the back half of season one and into season two which goes hand in hand with another fan request: “More aliens!” and “More alien worlds!” Done and done, in the case of the former sooner, and the in the case of the latter just a tad later. Space, Faith, Lost, and Sabotage come to mind." — Joseph Mallozzi (January 28, 2010)

Further Reading

--DeeKayP 15:40, 13 June 2009 (UTC)