SGU 1.06 "Water" Episode Guide: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 10:51, 30 May 2009



With the Destiny on a collision course with a star, the crew considers abandoning the ship. A grim lottery is held to choose 17 passengers to escape in the Destiny's only working shuttle.

Guide | Transcript

MGM/ Official Summary

Official summary is not available as this episode has not yet aired in the United States.


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Production Notes

  • "Speaking of perfect pairings, I couldn’t think of anyone better than Carl Binder to write #5." — Joseph Mallozzi (November 11, 2008).
  • "With a first draft of episode #1 in hand and episodes #2-4 mapped out, we turned our attention to episode #5, Carl’s baby. After much heated debate on the motivating factors that 'complicate things for our gang', we ended up breaking the story in a little less than two hours." — Joseph Mallozzi (November 13, 2008).
  • "So far, Martin, Carl, and Alan have put out outlines (and I’ve already provided notes on all three)..." — Joseph Mallozzi (December 5, 2008).
  • "Of the first ten episodes broken, we have a grand total of 0 forested planets. I’m not saying we won’t, eventually, come across one but, for the time being, the emphasis is on the ship and some locations atypical of Stargate. As a matter of fact, Executive Producer Robert Cooper and Director Andy Mikita are in New Mexico as we speak, scouting a cool-looking alien setting." — Joseph Mallozzi (December 19, 2008)
  • "Carl and Marty G. have already delivered their first drafts." — Joseph Mallozzi (January 7, 2009)
  • "Carl’s script, Water, finally went out and it includes a touching reminiscence of a dog delivered in Carl’s inimitable style. I’m tearing up just writing about it. But I’ve already said too much!" — Joseph Mallozzi (January 8, 2009)
  • "Martin delivered his revised Earth and Carl did the same for Water." — Joseph Mallozzi (January 30, 2009)
  • "Carl has finished work on his first SGU script, Water, and is moving on to an outline for his second script." — Joseph Mallozzi (February 3, 2009)
  • "Carl, meanwhile, completed his rewrite on Water and awaits word on whether he’ll be doing another pass or handing it off. At 57 pages and given the type of episode it is, Rob feels he’s going to need to trim it down." — Joseph Mallozzi (February 12, 2009)
  • "Water awaits a polish." — Joseph Mallozzi (February 17, 2009)
  • Major D. Davis writes: "Will you begin filming Water next week? If not, when?" Answers: "Off the top of my head, I’d say 'very soon'." — Joseph Mallozzi (March 29, 2009)
  • "After lunch, Carl, Paul, Lawren, and I headed over to the set in Stage 2 or what I’m referring to as Hoth. Brian and Justin regaled us with their interpretation of Rock ’Em Sock ’Em Robots after which we chatted until the airborne particulates threatened to choke off my airway, forcing me back out - but not before marveling over Brian's commitment to learning everything he can about the production process. Not only does he hang around set to watch them shoot scenes he isn’t even in but, the other day, he actually accompanied Carl and co. on a location survey! Not only does this kid have a terrific attitude - polite, humble, hardworking - but he’s a fantastic actor as well. Since nobody’s perfect, I fully expect to eventually find out he’s a robot or an alien doing an all-too-good impersonation of a human life form - but hopefully that won’t happen until the end of season one at the earliest." — Joseph Mallozzi (April 21, 2009)
  • "Will Waring is directing Brian J. Smith (Lt. Scott) and Justin Louis (Col. Young) over on Stage 2 (set codename: Hoth)." — Joseph Mallozzi (April 23, 2009)
  • Major D. Davis writes: "Will water’s events include young and Scott being stranded somewhere together?" Answer: "Sounds great. I can’t wait to see if this plays out when the episode airs." — Joseph Mallozzi (April 29, 2009)
  • "...we watched Brad’s cut of Water (Awesome episode with, again, some really wonderful character moments and performances. Young-Scott, Young-Rush, Greer-Tamara, Chloe-James, Eli in general)..." — Joseph Mallozzi (May 13, 2009)

Further Reading

--DeeKayP 14:31, 14 February 2009 (PST)