Lucian Alliance

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Lucian Alliance fleet


The Lucian Alliance is a coalition of former smugglers and mercenaries who've banded together to take advantage of the power vacuum left by the demise of the Goa'uld. They present a threat to the new Free Jaffa Nation because they have taken several of the Goa'uld's ships and planets through lawless and ruthless means. The Lucian Alliance was introduced in the episode, 9.04 "The Ties That Bind".

Stargate References

When the space thief Vala Mal Doran stole the Prometheus, she intended to trade the ship to two Oranians named Tenat and Jup for a case of weapons grade refined naquadah. Daniel Jackson, the only crewmember left onboard Earth's ship, successfully confined Vala to the brig and went out to meet the two aliens on a planet which Vala had programmed into the ship's systems to land upon. Tenat and Jup met Daniel outside the ship, but Daniel soon discovered that Vala had lied to him about who these two aliens were. She had told him that they were landing on her homeworld to transport refugees who were attempting to flee from Ba'al's forces. Daniel introduced himself as "Hans Olo" and tried to break off the deal, but the two aliens drew their weapons on him. To make the situation even worse, death gliders began firing upon the defenseless ship. Daniel zatted the two aliens and left them beside their case of naquadah as he began to start procedures to put the ship into hyperspace, but the gliders had inflicted too much hull damage to make that possible. Fortunately, the remaining members of the Prometheus crew came to Daniel's rescue in the al'kesh to which Vala had abandoned them when she stole their ship. (8.12 "Prometheus Unbound")

Somehow, Tenat and Jup lost the case of naquadah. This naquadah was extremely expensive and it belonged to the Lucian Alliance. One of the leaders of the Alliance, Vosh, placed a bounty on Vala's head, wanting her dead or alive, in order to make her an example of all those who defy the Alliance. Tenat and Jup were given the chance to capture Vala and her partner, Hans Olo. They set off in their cargo ship to search for her after putting the word out about the bounty. (9.04 "The Ties That Bind")

Vala knew how the Alliance approached their problems and devised a plan to get the cargo ship back from Tenat so that she could give it back to its original owner, a smuggler named Caius. She agreed to get the cargo ship back for Caius because of a string of deals she needed to undo in order to get information about how to sever the physiological bond she had with Daniel which was established through her use of "kor mak" bracelets. Vala devised a plan where Col. Mitchell and Teal'c would pose as bounty hunters who had captured her and her partner and were seeking the reward of a case of weapons grade naquadah. While Jup took Daniel and Vala onboard the cargo ship, Tenat and Mitchell and Teal'c held their weapons on each other awaiting the ringing down of the reward. Once onboard the cargo ship, Daniel and Vala overpowered Jup and ringed him down at the same time they ringed Mitchell and Teal'c up. They promptly took off with the ship. There was never a case of naquadah to trade because the Alliance would not trust them with it after they lost the other one. (9.04 "The Ties That Bind")

Tenat knew that there was a possibility that he would be double-crossed, so he had arranged to have a portion of the Alliance's fleet meet the cargo ship not far from the planet. Because Caius had made several upgrades to the cargo ship's systems, most of which were designed to evade capture, Vala and her partners made their escape and gave the ship back to Caius. (9.04 "The Ties That Bind")

The SGC discovered that there was a highly-addictive corn crop called kassa being distributed to several human populations throughout the galaxy. Even the Free Jaffa Nation's Interim High Council had heard reports of eratic behavior among these human populations. After one of the members of SG-3 inadvertantly became addicted to the corn, Gen. Landry sent SG-1 undercover to the planet which was supposedly the origin of the crop, P6G-452. SG-1 met a kassa farmer in the middle of his field while he was harvesting a cartload of the crop. Mitchell arranged a meeting with the farmer's boss, Worrel, to attempt to gain information about who was distributing the corn. He posed as a drug dealer and asked for a large quantity of the crop for his buyers. Worrel grew suspicious of Mitchell's act and put him into custody. The remaining members of SG-1 extracted him from Worrel's headquarters, but while they were in the process of dialing the Stargate, both the Stargate and the DHD were beamed away. Worrel captured SG-1 and began torturing them for the whereabouts of the Stargate. (9.16 "Off the Grid")

As it turned out Worrel was working for Netan of the Lucian Alliance. Netan was one of the most powerful of the leaders among the Alliance, commanding a large fleet of ha'tak vessels. Eventually, Netan notified Worrel that SG-1 was of no use to them because Netan did not believe that they had stolen the Stargate. Worrel's men were about the kill the team when they were beamed away in the nick of time by Col. Emerson of the Odyssey. SG-1 learned that Ba'al had been stealing the Stargates and tracked his ha'tak down. Netan, using his vast network, found out the same information. He took three of his ha'tak to intercept Ba'al's ha'tak. Soon the Odyssey found itself in the middle of a potential battlefield. SG-1 had beamed aboard Ba'al's ha'tak and was tagging all of the Stargates and DHDs with locator beacons so that the Odyssey could beam them away. SG-1 escaped Ba'al's ha'tak through one of the Stargates right before Netan's ha'tak destroyed Ba'al's ship (with several of Ba'al's clones onboard). Netan was prepared to fire upon the Odyssey since Emerson had fired upon his ship with rail guns to prevent them from firing upon Ba'al's ship while SG-1 was still onboard, but Emerson quickly left the scene through hyperspace. Netan was angry because a large portion of his crop would rot since he no longer had a Stargate on P6G-452 to distribute it. (9.16 "Off the Grid")

The SGC began researching a new insect which was appearing on various planets. These bugs were extremely voracious and the SGC entertained the idea that they could be genetically altered to go after the kassa crops. After an experiment at the Gamma Site went awry and the bugs turned into carnivores, the SGC had to rethink their options. They found out that the bugs were sent by the Priors of the Ori to worlds which had not been easily convinced to convert to Origin. After the bugs had eaten all of the vegetation and had gone through a short starvation period, they automatically switched to carnivores and ate the human populations. The SGC's R&D department are currently working on a solution to target these bugs without harming other plant and animal life. (9.17 "The Scourge")

Despite the grudge that Netan held against SG-1, when it came to fighting against the Ori, the Lucian Alliance sided with those of Earth. Teal'c purposely had himself captured by Netan when he penetrated the Alliance's territory in a cargo ship in order to request that Netan join the battle against an Ori invasion fleet. Netan was prepared to kill Teal'c on the spot, but Teal'c gained the upper hand against those who held him and ended up pointing a gun at Netan's head. This action and Teal'c's urgent words convinced Netan to take three of his ha'tak to the site of the Ori's invasion. They joined two of Earth's ships, the Odyssey and the Korolev, several ha'tak of the Free Jaffa, and an O'Neill-Class Asgard vessel in the battle against four Ori Warships. (9.20 "Camelot Part 2")

Of the three ha'tak that Netan brought to the battle, only his remained when the four Ori warships continued on after decimating the allied fleet. After several hours of repair, Teal'c contacted the Odyssey, which had also suvived the battle. Netan stopped his communications with the Odyssey and had him taken as prisoner, torturing him with a Goa'uld pain stick because he was angry at the destruction of part of his fleet. (10.01 "Flesh and Blood Part 3")

Since the Odyssey and Netan's ha'tak were the only ones left which had life support capabilities, Col. Emerson and SG-1's Mitchell asked that Netan work with them in rescuing survivors of the other ships who were sending out distress beacons. Netan instead insisted that Emerson surrender the Odyssey or be destroyed. His threat was empty, however, because he did not have any weapons with which to destroy Earth's ship. Joined by two operational ha'tak, Netan again threatened the Odyssey with destruction, but Bra'tac arrived with three ha'tak and demanded that Netan stand down or engage in battle. Outnumbered, Netan had his two newly-arrived ha'tak destroy his crippled one rather than have it available for rescue efforts and then they left the scene through hyperspace. Fortunately, the Odyssey's beaming technology was repaired in time to rescue Teal'c before the Alliance's ha'tak was completely destroyed. Netan, however, most likely believed that Teal'c was killed in the blast. (10.01 "Flesh and Blood Part 3")

Notable Characters

  • Tenat and Jup - Tenat and Jup, both of Oran, were the two representatives who were sent to purchase a ship from Vala Mal Doran with a case of weapons grade refined naquadah. They didn't get the ship which Vala stole to sell them, the Prometheus, and they lost the case of naquadah somehow. Later, they attempted to capture Daniel and Vala for bounty, but lost their cargo ship in the process.
  • Vosh - He was the leader of a large fleet of al'kesh and cargo ships who put a price on the head of Vala Mal Doran.
  • Worrel - He worked for Netan in growing the highly-addictive corn crop called kassa which the Lucian Alliance distributed to several human populations.
  • Netan - He's one of the most powerful men of the Alliance and commands a large fleet of ha'taks and kassa-producing operations.


  • SGC - A tenuous alliance was made with those of Earth in the battle against the first wave of the Ori's invasion of the Milky Way. Netan led three of his ha'tak into the battle against four Ori Warships at Teal'c's request. During other times, however, Netan has expressed his contempt for the members of SG-1, especially after the team had a hand in stopping the distribution of his valuable kassa crops and after he lost three of his ha'tak in the battle with the Ori warships.


  • SG-1 - The Lucian Alliance has had several run-ins with SG-1, and as a result, each member of the team most likely is considered an enemy.
  • Ori - The Ori's attempt to control the galaxy has made them an enemy of the Lucian Alliance.


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--DeeKayP 18:18, 29 May 2006 (PDT)